Why See a Dermatologist?
Dermatology is defined as the study of the skin, fat, hair, nails, oral and genital membranes; the recognition of normal variants and the...

Dermatologic Alternatives to the Razor
Photo courtesy of: ABC News The most common method for removal of excess hair, hypertrichosis, is by far, shaving. This method is...

4 Tips on Treating Excessive Sweat
Last week's #DermTipTuesday discussed one key part of maintaining underarm hygiene, controlling the odor. Well, what about controlling...

Don't Sweat It: Tips for Underarm Hygiene
Bromhidrosis is the medical term for excessive odor. Bromhidrosis occurs specifically under the arms, a.k.a. axilla, due to bacteria and...

What Do Your Brittle Nails Say About Your Health?
One of the more common nail findings I see during routine examination of the skin is splitting of the nails, known as onychoschizia. The...

Back to the Basics: Face Washing
It's the little things that, if done properly, go a long way for our skin. And properly washing our face is one of them. As we mobilize...

Hair-raising Facts on Biotin for Hair Loss
Have you tried taking biotin supplements to improve hair thinning or hair loss (alopecia), but found all it did was strengthen your...

Show Someone You Care... Save A Life
Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be first in love. I want you to be first in moral excellence. I want you to be...

Nutricosmetics: The Science of Eating for Healthier Skin
We have all heard the term 'cosmetics'. You may also be familiar with the term 'cosmeceuticals' or even 'nutraceuticals'. Well, what...

Feet, The Forgotten Skin
The skin on our lower extremities (legs and feet) is naturally the driest part of our body, and therefore has the most need for routine...